Starting with why…

Have you ever asked why you do what you do?

Why the business you work for does what it does?

Why you get up and go to work everyday?

Why you are here?

You know what you do. I do, I advise businesses and brands on how best to leverage digital technologies and strategies to create great ideas that connect with consumers.

I also know how I do it. The processes, methods, knowledge required to execute one of these ideas.

But why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?

Starting with why is scary, it requires confidence to think about why you want something and being true to that reason. I believe this is what really separates the super successful form the not so successful.

Having a big enough why changes everything.

Even though its incredibly hard to define your why, your purpose it is amazingly rewarding and leads to Maslow’s theory of self actualisation if you start to build on your whys.

Simon Sinek’s idea is nothing short of  brilliant.


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